Questions to see if my Relational Circuits are ON with people I know well:
✅ Do my good memories of them seem important right now?
✅ Do I feel connected to this person I usually like?
✅ Do I feel a desire to be connected to this person I usually like?
✅ Do I experience this person as a relational being?
✅ Am I aware of this person’s care for me?
✅ Do I feel compassion about what this person is thinking and feeling?
✅ Am I open to sharing their distressing feelings with them, to help them return to joy?
✅ Do I perceive the presence of this person as a resource?
✅ Am I experiencing joy in being with this person?
If you cannot answer YES, then your Relational Circuits may be OFF or DIM. One essential aspect of building vibrant relationships is learning to connect with one another on a heart level, which allows you to build joy capacity – giving you the ability to endure hardship well.
What are some of your challenges in keeping your RC's humming with people you know really well?